- HSF Basic Life Support (BLS) Health Care Provider (HCP) card within past 12 months.
- Completion of pre-test PRIOR to the course.
- Have access to (purchase or borrow) the approved HSF ACLS provider manual.
To complete the online pre-test prior to the course, please visit resuscitation. and select Training Resources – Login with your HSF ID – Follow the prompts to complete the online course. Please print your results and bring with you to the course.
At the full day Provider course, you will be tested on a variety of stations as set out by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSF). These stations may include management of BLS/AED, Airway, ACS, Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Asystole, and PEA. Please allow yourself adequate preparation time as you are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the material.
If you would like to do some additional self-directed preparation prior to the course, please visit this link
For you to meet the HSF standards and receive your ACLS card, you must meet these course requirements:
- Successfully demonstrate knowledge and competency in: BLS/AED, Basic airway management, ACS, stable and unstable Tachycardia/Bradycardia, Asystole, PEA and Megacodes
- Prior to completing the course and obtaining recertification you will be required to complete and obtain greater than 80% on an OPEN BOOK (HSF Provider Manual) written exam.